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29 Years of Service to the Homeschooling Community
Homeschool Resource Classes
HS Major Christian Doctrines (sem)
Total Fee
Class Prerequisites
Text / Materials Required
Class Description
This course will present a practical Biblical Study of Major Doctrines of the Christian Faith, focusing on God’s Salvation of Mankind (Soteriology). The course will cover some historical context of doctrinal development. The basis will be several Biblical verses regarding the vastness of what Christians possess through God’s Salvation. The course will function in the spirit of Matthew 1:21, Acts 4:12 and Hebrews 2:3.
Students will learn the names of each Doctrine, the history of each name and where they are found in the Bible. Through this study, students will learn the uniqueness of Christian Doctrines compared to other religious concepts throughout historical and current culture.
Major Christian Doctrines will include studies in Justification, Sanctification, Forgiveness, Regeneration and Propitiation. Other major doctrines will also be considered, schedule permitting.
Students will also learn methods for bible study, principles for biblical interpretation and relevance of the Salvation Doctrines in their practical life. Comprehension will be evaluated by weekly discussion participation and a Final Test.
Our text books will be The Bible, and Salvation by F.B.Hole. Each homework reading assignment is read prior to the dated class. Students can and are encouraged to use the Bible translation of their choice. The King James Version will be primary for instructor’s lectures.
Lecture and Discussion of read material will be during class.
There will also be rigorous and exciting discussions of “why we believe what we believe”.